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Tangible and Spiritual Relief After the Storm


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This study assessed the types of social services and spiritual messages that were provided by Baton Rouge area churches following Hurricane Katrina. Church representatives (n = 157) completed a 26-item survey which consisted of open and closed ended questions. The most common resources provided by churches included food, clothing, and financial assistance. Nearly 75% of churches attempted to connect evacuees with outside state and federal resources. The greatest unmet needs reported by churches included evacuee shelter and housing, and on-site computer and internet access. Churches recommend preparedness, triage care, and leadership for other churches that find themselves the first responders following a disaster. Because of their responsiveness to the needs of communities, clergy need to be trained in disaster management. Moreover, government monies could be well-spent in supporting faith-based disaster initiatives .
机译:这项研究评估了卡特里娜飓风之后巴吞鲁日地区教堂提供的社会服务和精神信息的类型。教会代表(n = 157)完成了一项由开放式和封闭式问题组成的26项调查。教堂提供的最常见资源包括食物,衣服和经济援助。将近75%的教堂试图将撤离人员与外部州和联邦资源联系起来。教会报告的最大的未满足需求包括疏散避难所和房屋,以及现场计算机和互联网访问。教会向其他在灾难后首当其冲的教会推荐备灾,分流护理和领导能力。由于他们对社区需求的响应能力,因此需要对神职人员进行灾难管理方面的培训。此外,政府的资金可用于支持基于信仰的灾难倡议。



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