首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Social Service Research >Toward an Empirical Case Definition of CFS

Toward an Empirical Case Definition of CFS


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The current case definition of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) was developed by consensus rather than empirical methods. From a practice point of view, if the case definition is not empirically-based, it is possible that some individuals with this illness might not be diagnosed, and others who do not have the disorder might be diagnosed. In the present study, 114 individuals with CFS were provided a theoretically driven questionnaire that featured neuropsychiatric, vascular, inflammatory, muscle/joint, infectious, and other symptoms. When symptoms using this classification were factor analyzed, a more interpretable factor structure was identified than when using symptoms from traditional case definition criteria. Factor scores from the new classification system were cluster analyzed, and four types of patient groups were identified. The field of CFS studies needs to be grounded in empirical methods for determining a case definition versus more consensus-based efforts. Such efforts will ultimately help social service providers better diagnose and provide services to those with this chronic illness.
机译:当前的慢性疲劳综合症(CFS)病例定义是通过共识而非经验方法得出的。从实践的角度来看,如果病例的定义不是基于经验的,则可能无法诊断出患有这种疾病的某些人,而可能会诊断出没有这种疾病的其他人。在本研究中,向114名CFS患者提供了理论驱动的调查问卷,该调查问卷具有神经精神病学,血管,炎症,肌肉/关节,感染性和其他症状的特征。当使用这种分类对症状进行因素分析时,与使用传统病例定义标准中的症状相比,可以识别出更具解释性的因素结构。对来自新分类系统的因子得分进行聚类分析,并确定了四种类型的患者组。 CFS研究领域需要以经验方法为基础来确定案例定义,而不是基于共识的工作。这些努力最终将帮助社会服务提供者更好地诊断和向患有这种慢性疾病的人提供服务。



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