首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Social Service Research >Social Work and Criminal Justice Students' Perceptions of Elders

Social Work and Criminal Justice Students' Perceptions of Elders


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This study investigated perceptions of older adults among undergraduate social work and criminal justice students (N = 228). With moderately ageist attitudes in general toward older adults and controlling for ethno-cultural identification and previous gerontology education, there were significant differences in the perceptions of social work and criminal justice students in ten of twelve dependent variables. These significant variables included perceptions of elders as unmotivated and parsimonious, perceptions of elders as attractive, perceptions of elders as useful, perceptions of elders'' health, perceptions of elders'' ability to drive, perceptions of elders as romantic, willingness to be with elders, willingness to work with elders if the job required it, perceptions of elders'' right to suicide, and perceptions of elders engaging in sexual behaviors. While generally ageist in perspective, there were not significant differences between the two students groups regarding their perceptions of elders as depressed and their working with elders if they were paid a greater salary. The General Linear Model was found to be significant (F = 5.565, df = 12, p < .001). Because of the prevalence of moderately ageist perceptions in this sample, there are important implications for interdisciplinary human service education. Social work education may offer helpful methods to reduce ageist perceptions, particularly exposure in field settings and concentrated attention to aging in curricula. Other implications and strategies are discussed.
机译:这项研究调查了大学社会工作和刑事司法学生对老年人的看法(N = 228)。由于总体上对老年人采取适度的年龄主义态度,并控制了民族文化认同和以前的老年医学教育,因此在十二个因变量中的十个中,社会工作和刑事司法学生的观念存在显着差异。这些重要的变量包括:老年人对自己没有动力和节俭的看法;对老年人的看法是有吸引力的;对老年人的看法是有用的;对老年人的健康状况的看法;对老年人的开车能力的看法;对老年人的浪漫感的看法;与他人相处的意愿长者,在工作需要时愿意与长者一起工作,对长者的自杀权的看法以及对长者从事性行为的看法。虽然从总体上讲年龄是老龄化的,但是两个学生群体在他们对长者的沮丧感和与长者的合作(如果他们获得更高的薪水)方面没有显着差异。发现通用线性模型很重要(F = 5.565,df = 12,p <.001)。由于本样本中普遍存在适度的年龄歧视观念,因此对跨学科的人类服务教育具有重要意义。社会工作教育可能会提供有用的方法,以减少对年龄的看法,特别是在田野环境中的接触以及集中注意课程中的衰老。讨论了其他含义和策略。



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