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Retention Is Not an Abstract Notion: The Effect of Wages and Caretaking


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Understanding retention in any profession is dependent on thorough workforce studies. Here, wages and caretaking, and the interaction of the two, were examined to understand retention of social workers. Respondents were 785 Master of social work alumni from the mid-South. Differences among three groups were studied: those working, those who have left the workforce, and those who had left but may return. Of the respondents, 92% thought an above average income was important; 48% of households included children; and 21% reported caretaking others. Wage was not a reason to leave social work but caretaking was. Moreover, caretaking and financial responsibility may be a reason not to return.
机译:了解任何行业的保留率都取决于全面的劳动力研究。在这里,检查了工资和照料以及两者的相互作用,以了解社会工作者的保留率。受访者是来自中南部的785位社会工作硕士毕业生。研究了三组人之间的差异:工作的人,离开劳动力的人和离开但可能返回的人。在受访者中,有92%的人认为高于平均水平的收入很重要; 48%的家庭包括儿童; 21%的人表示照顾他人。工资不是离开社会工作的原因,而是谨慎。此外,细心和财务责任可能是不回来的原因。



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