首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Social Service Research >Linking Perceived External Prestige and Intentions to Leave the Organization: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Affective Commitment

Linking Perceived External Prestige and Intentions to Leave the Organization: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Affective Commitment


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The present study examines social workers' beliefs about the prestige that outsiders (e.g., patients, suppliers, competitors, and the public) attribute to their organization and the way these beliefs influence the social workers' commitment to the organization they work for, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions (i.e., intentions to leave the organization). We collected two primary data sets (N = 160 and N = 489, respectively) from social workers in nonprofit social service organizations in Israel in 2001 and 2002. In general, the results show that perceived (construed) external prestige results in higher employee commitment and satisfaction, which, in turn, leads to lower levels of intention to leave the organization. The implications of these findings for research on organizational image and employee commitment are discussed, with particular emphasis on social workers in nonprofit social service organizations.
机译:本研究调查了社会工作者对局外人(例如患者,供应商,竞争对手和公众)归因于其组织的声望的信念,以及这些信念影响社会工作者对他们为之工作的组织的承诺,工作满意度的方式。和离职意图(即离开组织的意图)。我们分别于2001年和2002年从以色列非营利性社会服务组织的社会工作者那里收集了两个主要数据集(分别为N = 160和N = 489)。总体而言,结果表明,感知(解释)的外部声誉会导致更高的员工敬业度和满意度,这反过来导致离开组织的意愿降低。讨论了这些发现对组织形象和员工敬业度研究的意义,特别强调了非营利性社会服务组织中的社会工作者。



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