首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Small Business Management >Success factors of small-and medium- sized enterprises in Taiwan: an analysis of cases

Success factors of small-and medium- sized enterprises in Taiwan: an analysis of cases


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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)have contributed significantly to the economic growth of Taiwan, and insight into how they prosper is worthy of investigation. Based on a framework of structure, technology, and people, a case survey was conducted to reveal the suc- cess factors of 43 SMEs in Taiwan. Major findings include the following:(1)"peo- ple"-related issues are more emphasized than those of "structure" and "technolo- gy";(2)business founders' management skills, customer focus, and resource cre- ation are more important than their technical skills; and(3)case companies show more concern for "soft" attitudes, skills, and operating methods than for "hard" equipment. This study relates sta- tistically the complex, qualitative phe- nomena that could only be described counceptually in the past.
机译:中小型企业(SME)为台湾的经济增长做出了重大贡献,对它们如何繁荣的见解值得研究。基于结构,技术和人员的框架,进行了案例调查,揭示了台湾43家中小企业的成功因素。主要发现包括以下几个方面:(1)与“人”相关的问题比“结构”和“技术”方面的问题更受重视;(2)企业创始人的管理技能,客户关注度和资源创造比他们的技术技能更重要; (3)与“硬”设备相比,案例公司对“软”态度,技能和操作方法的关注更大。这项研究在统计上联系了过去只能在感觉上描述的复杂的定性现象。



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