首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Small Business Management >Perhaps the times have not yet caught up to Marcus Garvey, an early champion of ethnic entrepreneurship

Perhaps the times have not yet caught up to Marcus Garvey, an early champion of ethnic entrepreneurship

机译:也许时代尚未赶上种族企业家精神的早期拥护者马库斯·加维(Marcus Garvey)

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Marcus Garvey felt that Blacks should have a set of objectives for themselves and that the most effective and efficient way to do this was to become actively involved in business. One could be either an employer or an employee, but regardless of the choice, every self- respecting person should find a role, ac- cording to his or her own preference, ability, and general fitness. While Garvey did not criticize work- Ing for someone else, he felt that being A proprietor or employer was better. The Role of entrepreneur, as Garvey saw it, Was best because it involved creating a New enterprise(Negro World 1919).
机译:马库斯·加维(Marcus Garvey)认为,黑人应该为自己制定一套目标,而实现这一目标的最有效,最有效的方法就是积极参与商业活动。一个人可以是雇主,也可以是雇员,但是无论选择什么,每个自尊的人都应根据自己的喜好,能力和总体素质找到自己的角色。尽管Garvey并没有批评Ing为别人工作,但他觉得作为东主或雇主会更好。正如Garvey所见,企业家的角色是最好的,因为它涉及创建新企业(Negro World 1919)。



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