首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Small Business Management >Determinants of business process reengineering success in small and large enterprises: an empirical study in the Canadian context

Determinants of business process reengineering success in small and large enterprises: an empirical study in the Canadian context


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A survey on business process reengi- neering(BPR)was done in 134 Cana- dian enterprises, including 28 small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)and 106 large enterprises(Les). The collected data were submitted to a path analysis in order to test a model of the main deter- minants of BPR project success and to compare the importance of these determi- nants in the context of SMEs as opposed to LEs. The study confirms that the level of organizational support, conformance to the principles of BPR, and the diversity of the human resources participating in the project condition the attainment of advantages such as increases in produc- tivity, higher quality of goods and ser- vices offered, and cost reductions. How- ever, the impact of conformance and resource diversity is more important in SMEs than in LEs.
机译:对134个加拿大企业进行了业务流程再造(BPR)的调查,其中包括28家中小型企业(SME)和106家大型企业(LES)。将收集到的数据提交给路径分析,以测试BPR项目成功的主要决定因素的模型,并比较这些决定因素在中小型企业(而不是LEs)中的重要性。该研究证实,组织支持的水平,对BPR原则的遵守以及参与项目的人力资源的多样性,都可以实现诸如提高生产率,提供更高质量的商品和服务等优势。 ,并降低成本。但是,对中小型企业而言,一致性和资源多样性的影响比在低收入国家中更为重要。



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