首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Science Teacher Education >Sensing the Impact of Elementary School Science Reform: A Study of Stakeholder Perceptions of Implementation, Constructivist Strategies, and School–Home Collaboration

Sensing the Impact of Elementary School Science Reform: A Study of Stakeholder Perceptions of Implementation, Constructivist Strategies, and School–Home Collaboration


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This case study of a midwestern school district’s reform effort explored the treatment fidelity of the Science: Parents, Activities, and Literature (Science PALs) project. Data were collected from the perspectives of three stakeholders: students, school district, and parents. Students’ and school district supervisor’s perceptions indicated that teachers were implementing predicted curricular and instructional features promoted by the Science PALs project. Students’ perceptions of their current teacher’s classroom performance did not parallel the supervisor’s perceptions of the teacher’s implementation. Parents’ perceptions and comments indicated a high level of satisfaction with the implemented features. Collectively, the three perspectives suggest that the Science PALs project was successful in changing the classroom practices of K–6 teachers involved in the professional development. The results of this study appear to support the findings of other recent studies that indicate the need for extended professional development and support to fully implement changes in elementary school science instruction.
机译:这项针对中西部学区改革工作的案例研究探索了“科学:父母,活动和文学(Science PAL)”项目的治疗保真度。从三个利益相关者的角度收集了数据:学生,学区和父母。学生和学区主管的看法表明,教师正在实施由Science PALs项目推动的预期课程和教学功能。学生对他们当前的老师在课堂上表现的看法与主管对老师的实施情况的看法不符。家长的看法和评论表明,他们对已实施的功能非常满意。总体而言,这三个观点表明,Science PALs项目成功地改变了参与专业发展的K-6教师的课堂实践。这项研究的结果似乎支持了其他最新研究的结果,这些研究表明需要扩展专业发展并支持全面实施小学科学教学的变革。



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