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Multiple regression, longitudinal data and welfare in the 19th century: reflections on Yule (1899)


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The paper that G. U. Yule read to the Royal Statistical Society in 1899 is, by virtue of its application of multiple regression to observational data, a landmark in social statistics. It is also an illustration of the value of relating a change in an explanatory variable to a change in the response when wishing to draw causal conclusions. This paper returns to Yule's data and analysis from a 21st-century perspective. A range of multilevel and fixed effects models are fitted to the reconstructed data set and his conclusions are re-examined. The social and political contexts of Yule's work are also considered.
机译:尤勒(G. U. Yule)在1899年读给皇家统计学会的论文,由于将多元回归应用于观测数据,是社会统计学的一个里程碑。它也说明了当希望得出因果结论时,将解释变量的变化与响应的变化相关联的价值。本文从21世纪的角度返回Yule的数据和分析。一系列的多层次和固定效应模型适合于重建的数据集,并重新检验了他的结论。还考虑了尤尔作品的社会和政治背景。



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