首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Royal Statistical Society >Do environmental concerns affect commuting choices?: hybrid choice modelling with household survey data

Do environmental concerns affect commuting choices?: hybrid choice modelling with household survey data


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To meet ambitious climate change goals governments must encourage behavioural change alongside technological progress. Designing effective policy requires a thorough understanding of the factors that drive behaviours. In an effort to understand the role of environmental attitudes better we estimate a hybrid choice model (HCM) for commuting mode choice by using a large household survey data set. HCMs combine traditional discrete choice models with a structural equation model to integrate latent variables, such as attitudes, into the choice process. To date HCMs have utilized small bespoke data sets, beset with problems of selection and limited generalizability. To overcome these problems we demonstrate the feasibility of using this valuable modelling approach with nationally representative data. Our results suggest that environmental attitudes have an important influence on commute mode choice, and this can be exploited by governments looking to add to their climate change policy toolbox in an effort to change travel behaviours.
机译:为了实现雄心勃勃的气候变化目标,政府必须鼓励行为改变和技术进步。制定有效的政策需要彻底了解推动行为的因素。为了更好地理解环境态度的作用,我们通过使用大型家庭调查数据集来估计通勤方式选择的混合选择模型(HCM)。 HCM将传统的离散选择模型与结构方程模型结合起来,以将诸如态度之类的潜在变量集成到选择过程中。迄今为止,HCM已经利用了小的定制数据集,这些数据集存在选择问题和通用性有限的困扰。为了克服这些问题,我们证明了使用具有国家代表性的数据的这种有价值的建模方法的可行性。我们的结果表明,环境态度对通勤方式的选择具有重要影响,而希望将其添加到气候变化政策工具箱中以改变旅行行为的政府可以利用这种态度。



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