首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Royal Statistical Society >Spatiotemporal trends in teen birth rates in the USA, 2003-2012

Spatiotemporal trends in teen birth rates in the USA, 2003-2012


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The objective of this analysis was to explore temporal and spatial variation in teen birth rates TBRs across counties in the USA, from 2003 to 2012, by using hierarchical Bayesian models. Prior examination of spatiotemporal variation in TBRs has been limited by the reliance on large-scale geographies such as states, because of the potential instability in TBRs at smaller geographical scales such as counties. We implemented hierarchical Bayesian models with space-time interaction terms and spatially structured and unstructured random effects to produce smoothed county level TBR estimates, allowing for examination of spatiotemporal patterns and trends in TBRs at a smaller geographic scale across the USA. The results may help to highlight US counties where TBRs are higher or lower and to inform efforts to reduce birth rates to adolescents in the USA further.
机译:该分析的目的是使用分层贝叶斯模型探讨2003年至2012年美国各县青少年出生率TBR的时空变化。 TBR时空变化的先前检查受到对大型地理区域(例如州)的依赖的限制,因为在较小的地理范围(例如县)中,TBR可能存在不稳定性。我们使用时空相互作用项以及空间结构化和非结构化随机效应实施分层贝叶斯模型,以生成平滑的县级TBR估算值,从而可以在美国较小的地理范围内检查TBR的时空模式和趋势。结果可能有助于突出美国的TBR值较高或较低的县,并有助于进一步降低美国青少年的出生率。



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