首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Active or Passive Initiator: Cai Yuanpei's Admission of Women to Beijing University (1919-20)

Active or Passive Initiator: Cai Yuanpei's Admission of Women to Beijing University (1919-20)


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The term "active initiator" normally refers to someone who actively takes the lead in performing a task that is of crucial importance at the time. In the case of Cai Yuanpei, however, he was an initiator of Beida co-education but not an active one. This "was because his decision to admit women to Beijing University was only a response to the growing pressure from some major groups of May Fourth radicals. Cai did not plan the event of women's admission to the university. His ideas on co-education before the occurrence of the event were not as progressive as the ideas of his radical contemporaries. While some of Cai's contemporaries suggested the policy of co-education at all levels, he encouraged the experimentation of elementary co-education. The fact that Cai played a passive role in the event of co-education in Beijing University owed very much to the following reasons.
机译:术语“主动发起者”通常是指主动带头执行当时至关重要的任务的人。然而,就蔡元培而言,他是北大联合教育的发起人,但不是活跃的人。 “这是因为他决定接纳妇女进入北京大学只是对五四激进势力一些主要团体日益增加的压力的回应。蔡并未计划妇女进入大学的事件。这一事件的发生没有他激进的同时代人的想法进步。尽管蔡的一些同时代人提出了各级共同教育的政策,但他鼓励尝试基本的共同教育。在北大进行男女同校教育的原因很多。



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