首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Early Buddhist Transmission and Trade Networks: Mobility and Exchange within and beyond the Northwestern Borderlands of South Asia

Early Buddhist Transmission and Trade Networks: Mobility and Exchange within and beyond the Northwestern Borderlands of South Asia


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As will be evident from the title, the main focus of this book is the transmission of Buddhism. One might expect such a book to give an account of pilgrim records, inscriptions and Buddhist sites in northern Pakistan, Afghanistan and neighbouring areas, a discussion of the old routes through the upper Indus that can be documented as a result, and a few thoughts on where Buddhism was coming from (India) and where it was going (Central Asia and China). This book contains all that, and deals with the material in a very competent manner. But it is also substantially more. The idea of 'transmission' brings with it a number of problems of a theoretical and historical nature.
机译:从书名可以明显看出,这本书的主要重点是佛教的传播。也许有人希望这样的书能够描述巴基斯坦北部,阿富汗和周边地区的朝圣记录,题词和佛教遗址,并讨论可以记录下来的穿过印度河上游的旧路线,以及一些想法。佛教来自何处(印度)及其去向(中亚和中国)。本书包含了所有内容,并以非常称职的方式处理了这些材料。但这实际上还更多。 “传播”的思想带来了许多理论和历史性质的问题。



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