首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >The Sikh Zafar-nāmah of Guru Gobind Singh: A Discursive Blade in the Heart op the Mughal Ekmpire

The Sikh Zafar-nāmah of Guru Gobind Singh: A Discursive Blade in the Heart op the Mughal Ekmpire

机译:古鲁·戈宾德·辛格(Guru Gobind Singh)的锡克教徒Zafar-nāmah:莫卧儿埃克皮尔(Mughal Ekmpire)心中的话语之刃

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The Zafarnāma is one of the most fascinating and unusual of early Sikh texts. It is preserved in the Dasam Granth, the second Sikh scripture containing a large number of heterogeneous texts associated with the tenth and last Guru Gobind Singh. Much controversy has come to surround the authorship of many of these often very lengthy compositions, which are nearly all written in Brajbhasha, whereas the Zafarnāma ('Epistle of Victory') is a short Persian composition of iii verses in the heroic style and metre of Firdausi s Shāhnāma. Addressed as a missive to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, it is generally accepted to have been composed by Guru Gobind Singh himself in the aftermath of the capture in 1704 of the Sikh stronghold of Anandpur by Mughal forces who had treacherously offered safe conduct out of the fortress to the Guru's forces. This betrayal of a sacred oath by Aurangzeb's officers provokes the Zafarnāma to denounce the unrighteousness of the emperor and to exalt the justness before God of the Guru's cause.
机译:Zafarnāma是早期锡克教文献中最引人入胜且与众不同的文献之一。它保存在Dasam Granth(第二个锡克教经文)中,其中包含与第十个和最后一个Guru Gobind Singh相关的大量异类文字。许多通常很冗长的作品的作者围绕着许多争议,这些作品几乎都是用Brajbhasha撰写的,而Zafarnāma(胜利的书信)是波斯语中iii诗句的英勇风格和计量的简短组成。 Firdausi的Shāhnāma。它被认为是莫卧儿皇帝奥兰则布的一次怀念,通常被认为是由古鲁·戈宾德·辛格本人在1704年被莫卧儿军队攻占阿南德布尔的锡克教徒据点之后组成的,莫卧儿部队曾在堡垒外提供了危险的安全行径上师的部队。奥兰则卜军官背叛了神圣的誓言,这激怒了扎法尔纳玛王朝(Zafarnāma)谴责皇帝的不义之举,并高举正义在古鲁之道面前。



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