首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >An Early Fragment of Ibn Jazlah's Tabulated Manual 'Taqwīm al-Abdān' from the Cairo Genizah

An Early Fragment of Ibn Jazlah's Tabulated Manual 'Taqwīm al-Abdān' from the Cairo Genizah

机译:伊本·雅兹拉(Ibn Jazlah)的制表手册早期片段,来自开罗吉尼扎(Tairo Genizah)

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Ibn Jazlah was born and raised as a Christian in Karkh (Baghdad) and died in the year 1100. He acquired his medical education in Baghdad, worked at the 'Adudi hospital, and was appointed as a registrar and physician for the court at the 'Abbāsid capital and later became a court physician of Caliph al-Muqtadī. Ibn Jazlah wrote several books on various subjects, mainly on medicine. During the process of reconstructing the medical library of the medieval Jewish practitioners in Cairo, a Genizah fragment of a unique tabular medical book in Arabic was identified as Ibn Jazlah's tabulated manual 'Taqwīm al-abdān", which is most probably part of the earliest known copy of the text. A study of the T-S Ar.41.137 clearly shows that it was an uncompleted draft, and can therefore teach us how the medieval copier worked. The image of the fragment is presented here, as well as its transliteration, translation and analysis.
机译:伊本·雅兹拉(Ibn Jazlah)在喀尔喀(巴格达)出生并成长为基督徒,并于1100年去世。他在巴格达接受医学教育,在阿杜迪医院工作,并被任命为法院的书记官和医师。阿巴斯(Abbāsid)首都,后来成为哈里发·穆克塔迪(Caliphal-Muqtadī)的宫廷医师。伊本·贾兹拉(Ibn Jazlah)写了几本有关各个主题的书,主要是关于医学的。在重建开罗中世纪犹太从业者的医学图书馆的过程中,一本独特的阿拉伯语表格医学著作的Genizah片段被确定为伊本·雅兹拉(Ibn Jazlah)制成表格的手册“Taqwīmal-abdān”,这很可能是最早的一部分对TS Ar.41.137的研究清楚地表明这是未完成的草稿,因此可以教会我们中世纪复印机的工作原理,此处显示了片段的图像及其音译,翻译和分析。



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