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From Riches to Rags: how new clothes for the dead become old robes for monks


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The process whereby existing rituals are taken up and re-envisaged is a well known phenomenon in ritual studies. The offering of a piece of white of cloth to the officiating monks during the Theravada Buddhist funeral ceremony provides a particularly good example. This custom originates in pre-Buddhist funerary rituals, which included the symbolic covering of the dead body with a new, uncut piece of white cloth intended as a new garment for the deceased, but which was afterwards donated to the officiating priests. The present article examines how in the Buddhist funeral the donation of the cloth came to be associated with the monks' ascetic practice of making their robes from discarded rags (pamsukula). A comparison of the lists of "rags" in the Theravada and Mulasarvastivdda Vinayas and in the Visuddhimagga and Vimuttimagga, alongside a historical exploration of the attitude of the Buddhist laity towards monks who adopted ascetic practices, sheds new light on the significance of the pamsukula offering. Further, the manner in which an old pre-existing ritual is accommodated within a different conceptual framework provides a clear instance of the primacy of ritual continuity over ritual meaning.
机译:在仪式研究中,对现有仪式进行处理和重新设想的过程是众所周知的现象。在Theravada佛教葬礼上向主教和尚献上一块白布,就是一个很好的例子。该习俗起源于佛教前的丧葬仪式,包括用一块未切割的新白布将尸体象征性地覆盖起来,用作死者的新衣服,但后来捐赠给了主教。本文探讨了在佛教葬礼中捐献抹布是如何与僧侣们从废弃的碎布(pamsukula)制作长袍的禁欲做法联系在一起的。对Theravada和Mulasarvastivdda Vinayas以及Visuddhimagga和Vimuttimagga中的“抹布”列表的比较,以及对佛教俗人对采用修行做法的僧侣的态度的历史探索,为pamsukula祭品的意义提供了新的解释。 。此外,在不同的概念框架内容纳旧的先前存在的仪式的方式提供了一个清晰的例子,说明了仪式连续性高于仪式意义的重要性。



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