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Tambora: The Eruption That Changed the World


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The eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79, for all its worldwide fame as the destroyer of Pompeii and Herculaneum, had no lasting impact on the Roman empire. The equally famous eruption of Krakatau, west of Java, in 1883 ejected enough volcanic dust to produce a dramatic impact on the earth's atmosphere and on the developing science of volcanology, but had no significant effect on international politics and economics. Yet, the far larger eruption of Tambora, east of Java, in 1815-though far less well known than the eruptions of Vesuvius and Krakatau-really did "change the world", as Gillen D'Arcy Wood claims in the subtitle of Tambora. His remarkable, even pioneering, book is the first to discuss the Tambora eruption as a global phenomenon afflicting Asia as well as Europe and America. Five years in the making (including a visit to Tambora) but wearing its research lightly for the benefit of the general reader, the book gathers together and synthesises reliable evidence from 1815-19 and after-such as the eyewitness eruption report of a surviving local raja, graphic poetry about famine by a Chinese farmer, Li Yuyang, and cholera reports by a Calcutta physician, James Jameson-with subsequent academic studies ranging right across the humanities and the sciences.
机译:维苏威火山的爆发(公元79年作为庞贝和赫库兰尼姆的驱逐舰而享誉全球)对罗马帝国没有持久的影响。 1883年,同样著名的爪哇岛西部的喀拉喀托火山喷发了足够多的火山尘,对地球大气和不断发展的火山学产生了巨大影响,但对国际政治和经济影响不大。然而,在1815年,爪哇省以东的坦波拉火山喷发的范围要大得多,尽管远没有维苏威火山和喀拉喀托火山的喷发闻名,但确实确实“改变了世界”,正如吉伦·达西·伍德在坦波拉的副标题中声称的那样。他非凡的著作甚至是开创性著作,都是第一部讨论坦博拉火山喷发的全球性现象,它正困扰着亚洲以及欧洲和美洲。制作了五年(包括访问Tambora),但为了普通读者的利益而略作研究,该书汇集并综合了1815-19年及之后的可靠证据,例如幸存的当地人的目击者喷发报告拉贾(Raja),中国农民李玉阳(Le Yuyang)关于饥荒的图形诗,以及加尔各答(Calcutta)医师詹姆斯·詹姆森(James Jameson)的霍乱报告,其后的学术研究涉及人文和科学领域。



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