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Advice for the Sultan: Prophetic Voices and Secular Politics in Medieval Islam


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Islamicate advice literature, of which the two most celebrated examples are Kalila wa Dimna and Nizam al-Mulk's Siyar al-Muluk, was central to political thought across the diverse cultures of the pre-modern Islamic world but has latterly become an intellectual orphan. In the modern Islamic world, it has no traction in political debates, a lamentable caesura between the present and the past. In the West, it was used experimentally as a colonial language teaching tool and briefly read with enthusiasm for its literary value (see, for example, the preface to Rev. Wyndham Knatchbull's 1819 translation of Kalila wa Dimna) before going out of fashion. It was ignored for some time because it appeared to be neither a good source for historical information nor for morals, apparently disqualified by the high body count of viziers meeting gruesome ends and so on. Eventually scholars rethought the texts' historicity and embarked on a campaign of reading between the lines, often finding themselves frustrated by the texts' stubbornness in giving up the historical facts they sought. A great deal of recent scholarship has focussed on reconstructing the transmission of the texts and the stories contained in them.
机译:伊斯兰教的建议文学,其中两个最著名的例子是卡利拉·瓦·迪姆纳(Kalila wa Dimna)和尼扎姆​​·穆尔克(Nizam al-Mulk)的西娅·穆鲁克(Siyar al-Muluk),是前现代伊斯兰世界各种文化中政治思想的核心,但后来成为一个知识孤儿。在现代伊斯兰世界中,它在政治辩论中没有吸引力,这是现在与过去之间的悲哀。在西方,它被实验性地用作殖民地语言的教学工具,并在其过时之前,热情地阅读了其文学价值(例如,参见温德姆·纳奇布尔牧师1819年翻译的《 Kalila wa Dimna》的序言)。它被忽视了一段时间,因为它似乎既不是历史信息的良好来源,也不是道德的良好来源,显然由于满足苛刻目的的犯罪分子数量众多而丧失了资格。最终,学者们重新思考了文本的历史性,开始了两行之间的阅读运动,常常发现自己对文本放弃了他们寻求的历史事实的s强感到沮丧。最近的大量学术研究都集中在重建文本和其中包含的故事的传递上。



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