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Anxious Notes on College Life: The Gossipy Journals of Eleanor McDougall1


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The educated woman and the college girl were, for the great part of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in India, subjects of immense anxiety. In this article, I examine the gossipy narratives that a missionary educator in South India, Eleanor McDougall, wrote biannually for readers in America and Britain, whilst she was Principal of Women's Christian College (WCC) in erstwhile Madras, along with the book on her experience that she eventually published. In doing so, I locate the circulation of gossip in transnational circuits as a site where colonial anxieties about young Indian women as subjects of uplift came to be produced. For women like McDougall, the expression of urgent anxiety about young women's moral and social conditions served as a means to secure legitimacy for the work they did, and position themselves as important participants in a new discourse of philanthropically mediated development that emerged in the early twentieth century with the influx of American charitable capital into countries like India. At the same time, I show, in responding to her writing about them, that the Indian staff and students at WCC did not concur with colonial authority marks a site of refusal: suggesting the anxious boundaries of colonial knowledge production at a time when the surety of discourses of racial difference was beginning to unravel. In its study of McDougall's gossipy writing, this article therefore contributes to a complicated and non-linear understanding of emotions as a site of power and hierarchy.
机译:在印度,在十九,二十世纪的大部分时间里,受过良好教育的妇女和女大学生是极为焦虑的对象。在本文中,我考察了南印度的宣教士埃莉诺·麦克杜格尔(Eleanor McDougall)每半年为美国和英国的读者写的流言na语,而她曾是马德拉斯(Madras)女子基督教学院(WCC)的校长,以及她的书她最终发表的经历。在这样做的过程中,我将八卦流传到跨国电路中,将其作为产生隆隆对象的年轻印度妇女的殖民焦虑症的发源地。对于像麦克杜格尔(McDougall)这样的女性,对年轻女性的道德和社会状况的紧急焦虑表达,是确保其所做工作合法性的一种手段,并将自己定位为二十世纪初出现的以慈善为媒介的发展新论述的重要参与者。世纪之初,美国慈善资本涌入印度等国家。同时,在回应她关于他们的文章时,我表明,WCC的印度教职员工和学生不同意殖民权威,这标志着一个拒绝的地方:暗示当保证人身份时,殖民知识生产的焦虑边界。关于种族差异的论述开始瓦解。因此,在对McDougall的闲话写作的研究中,本文有助于对作为权力和等级制场所的情绪进行复杂而非线性的理解。



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