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The Grand Documentation: Ernst Boerschmann and Chinese Religious Architecture

机译:重要文献:恩斯特·博斯曼(Ernst Boerschmann)与中国宗教建筑

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Anyone who entered the Chinese architecture field in North America or Europe in the last century has known the name Ernst Boerschmann. Few, however, have read more than one of his books; and there are more than ten, some of them multi-volume. In part this is because he wrote almost exclusively in German; but it is also because Boershmann's writings had such limited circulation. Edouard Koegcl's book does much to right this situation. This 592-page, beautifully produced book tells the story of Ernst Boerschmann—military official, architect, citizen of Germany, and a man as passionate about Chinese architecture as about any other aspect of life. It also tells the story of his struggle to see, measure, and draw Chinese architecture, and then to publish his results during the challenging first three decades of the twentieth century. The 575 illustrations are primarily Boerschmann's photographs and drawings, supplemented in a few places by the author's.
机译:上个世纪进入北美或欧洲的中国建筑领域的人都知道Ernst Boerschmann这个名字。但是,很少有人阅读他的书中的一部以上。并且有十多个,其中一些是多卷的。部分原因在于他几乎只用德语写作;但这也是因为布尔什曼的著作发行如此有限。爱德华·科格克(Edouard Koegcl)的书在纠正这种情况上起了很大作用。这本长达592页的精美书作讲述了恩斯特·博斯曼(Ernst Boerschmann)的故事-军官,建筑师,德国公民,以及一个对中国建筑以及生活中任何其他方面都充满热情的人。它还讲述了他努力寻找,衡量和绘制中国建筑,然后在富有挑战性的20世纪前三十年发表其成果的故事。 575幅插图主要是Boerschmann的照片和绘画,并在一些地方得到了作者的补充。



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