首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Silk, Porcelain and Lacquer: China and Japan and their Trade with Western Europe and the New World, 1500-1644. Teresa Canepa

Silk, Porcelain and Lacquer: China and Japan and their Trade with Western Europe and the New World, 1500-1644. Teresa Canepa

机译:丝绸,瓷器和漆器:中国和日本及其与西欧和新世界的贸易,1500至1644年。特蕾莎·卡妮帕(Teresa Canepa)

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In recent years, the literature on the global aspects of material exchanges has increased significantly. From the earliest treatments of the subject in the 1990s, which focused on trade and consumption (Consumption and the World of Goods, 1993) to more recent surveys of the circulation of one material (The Pilgrim Art, 2010), many attempts have been made to form a universal picture of the global movement of things and the impact of encounters with them. Perhaps the most ambitious approach is that taken in a new book by Teresa Canepa, Silk, Porcelain and Lacquer (2016) which attempts to provide a universal narrative of the trade and circulation of Asian goods in the West during the eventful period 1500-1644, which coincides with the later part of the Ming dynasty in China (1368-1644).
机译:近年来,有关物质交换的全球方面的文献已大大增加。从1990年代对该主题的最早处理(其重点是贸易和消费)(消费和商品世界,1993),到对一种材料的流通进行的最新调查(朝圣者艺术,2010),已经进行了许多尝试。描绘出事物在全球范围内移动以及与事物相遇的影响。也许最雄心勃勃的方法是特雷莎·卡内帕(Teresa Canepa),丝绸,瓷器和漆器(2016)在新书中采用的方法,该书试图在事件多发的1500年至1644年期间为西方国家在亚洲的贸易和流通提供一个通用的叙述,这与中国明朝(1368-1644)的后期相吻合。



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