首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Aurangzeb in Mewar through the stories of Sultan Singh

Aurangzeb in Mewar through the stories of Sultan Singh

机译:苏丹·辛格(Sultan Singh)的故事在梅瓦(Mewar)的奥兰则卜

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Examining narratives about Sultan Singh, Udaipur's most prominent sagasji (divine, heroic guardian), this essay analyzes the narrative frame of contention between Sultan Singh's father, the Maharana ("Great King") Raj Singh and the emperor Aurangzeb. It argues that the frame inevitably glorifies the Maharana and contrasts him with emperor, invariably represented as a worthy opponent, as it contextuales variant lore about the life and tragic death of the Maharana's heir apparent. In some accounts, Sultan Singh's demise is blamed on a plot devised by the emperor. This lore exalts both father and son while also demonstrating a pervasive anxiety about the danger inherent in power.
机译:在审查有关乌代浦最著名的萨加吉(神,英雄的监护人)苏丹·辛格的叙述后,本文分析了苏丹·辛格的父亲,“大国王”拉吉·辛格与奥兰则卜皇帝之间的争论叙事框架。它认为,框架不可避免地给了玛哈拉纳邦以美化,并与皇帝形成鲜明对比,皇帝总是代表着一个有价值的对手,因为它在上下文中暗示着关于玛哈拉纳邦继承人的生命和悲惨死亡的传说。在某些情况下,苏丹·辛格(Sultan Singh)的去世归咎于皇帝设计的阴谋。这绝杀不仅提升了父子俩,同时也显示出人们普遍对权力内在的危险感到焦虑。



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