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'Unhitching the Oxcart of Delhi': a Mughal-Period Hindi account of Political Insurgency


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This article is part of a larger effort to broaden the source-base for understanding Mughal-period India by engaging with the Hindi literary archive. I analyze the vignettes of Aurangzeb and other Mughal figures that are available in Lai Kavi's Chatraprakas (Light of Chatrasal, c. 1710), a Brajbhasha (classical Hindi) historical poem commissioned by the Bundela ruler Chatrasal (1649-1731). Written shortly after Aurangzeb's death, the Chatraprakas is in part a retrospective on Aurangzeb's reign. It is also a valuable source of regional history that gives voice to how the Mughal Empire was perceived from a local court that went in and out of political favour. In places, Lal Kavi engages in trenchant political critique, expressing the court's strong disillusionment with the Mughal mansabdari system as well as more local grievances. While by no means the dominant tone of the work, there are occasional hints of the court's outrage at Mughal offenses against what Lai Kavi explicitly terms "Hindu dhartna. " Parsing the Chatraprakas as both poetry and history, I probe the text's complex perspectives on Mughal rule.
机译:本文是与印地语文学档案馆合作,为拓宽理解莫卧儿时期印度的来源基础所做的更大努力的一部分。我分析了赖朗·卡维(Lai Kavi)的《查塔拉萨尔之光》(查特萨尔之光,约1710年)中的奥兰则卜和其他莫卧儿雕像的短篇小说,这是邦德拉统治者查塔萨尔(1649-1731)委托创作的Brajbhasha(印度语经典)历史诗。 Chatraprakas是奥兰则布死后不久写的,部分是对奥兰则布统治时期的回顾。它也是地区历史的宝贵来源,它表达了莫高尔帝国如何从一个受到政治支持的地方法院中被人理解。在某些地方,拉尔·卡维(Lal Kavi)参与了尖锐的政治批评,表达了法院对莫卧儿(Mughal)的mansabdari系统以及更多当地人的不满情绪的强烈幻灭。虽然这绝不是作品的主导语气,但偶尔会暗示法院对莫卧儿王朝对赖·卡维明确称呼“印度教达特纳”的罪行感到愤慨。我将查塔帕拉加斯既视为诗歌又视为历史,但我探究了这段经文对莫卧儿王朝的复杂观点规则。



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