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This special issue of the JRAS, guest-edited by Heidi Pauwels University of Washington and Anne Murphy University of British Columbia, brings together an extremely interesting set of articles that collectively explore vernacular perspectives on the emperor Aurangzeb/Alamgir drawn from outside the Persianate heartland of Mughal India. Its beginnings lay in an innovative interdisciplinary panel at the 2014 European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS) held in Zurich in July 2014, which was organised by Heidi and Monika Boehm-Tettelbach (Horstmann). Drawing on vernacular literature, as opposed to more mainstream Persian sources, their authors seek, in various ways, to complicate past and present-day assumptions about the nature of Aurangzeb's rule, how he interacted with his subjects, both Muslim and non-Muslim, and how his subjects in turn viewed him. Aurangzeb (r. 1658- 1707 as Alamgir) continues to divide opinion sharply, as reactions to Audrey Truschke's 2017 study Aurangzeb: The Life and Legacy of India's Most Controversial King (Stanford University Press) have recently underlined. Aurangzeb remains a firm fixture in South Asia's twenty-first century 'culture wars'. By drawing on less-commonly referenced vernacular sources, and hence offering access to less state-centric views of Aurangzeb, this special issue makes a welcome - and very opportune - case for more rounded and nuanced understandings of the emperor and the India in which he lived.
机译:本期JRAS由华盛顿海蒂·鲍维尔斯大学和不列颠哥伦比亚省安妮·墨菲大学客座编辑,汇集了一组非常有趣的文章,共同探讨了从波斯波斯心腹地区外对奥兰则卜/阿拉姆吉尔皇帝的白话观点。莫卧儿印度。它的开端在于2014年7月在苏黎世举行的2014年欧洲南亚研究欧洲会议(ECSAS)上创新的跨学科小组会议,该会议由Heidi和Monika Boehm-Tettelbach(霍斯特曼)组织。与较主流的波斯文献相反,他们利用白话文学,以各种方式,使关于奥兰则布统治性质,他如何与他的穆斯林和非穆斯林学科交往的假设的过去和现在的假设复杂化,以及他的臣民如何看待他。 Aurangzeb(1658年至1707年,身为Alamgir)继续在观点上产生分歧,最近对Audrey Truschke在2017年发表的研究《 Aurangzeb:印度最具争议的国王的生平与遗产》(斯坦福大学出版社)的反应得到了强调。奥兰则卜在南亚二十一世纪的“文化大战”中仍然是坚定的定位。通过利用较少引用的乡土资源,从而提供对奥兰则布的较少以国家为中心的观点的访问,这一特刊使人们对皇帝和他对印度的皇帝和印度有了更全面和细致的理解,这是一个非常受欢迎的机会。住了



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