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Women in Mongol Iran: The Khatuns


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The study of the Mongol queens or khatuns and Mongolian women in general in the period of the Mongol Empire has long been overlooked. While an occasional article or chapter appeared in the past, it is only in the last few years that the metaphorical veil has been removed from these remarkable women in an ever increasing body of scholarship. Women in Iran: The Khatuns, 1206-1335 is one of the few monographs examining women in the Mongol Empire and the first with a focus on the Mongols in the western empire. De Nicola's work seeks to understand the role of the queens of khatuns from the pre-imperial period until the demise of the Ilkhanate. The focus on the title of khatun (Mongolian for queen) or khatun (the form adopted by De Nicola rather than khawatin in Persian) is appropriate as much of what we know about Mongolian women in the medieval period is drawn from the royalty. While the first two chapters includes pre-dissolution queens, with the establishment of the Ilkhanate, De Nicola focuses his attention on Iran but also considers the larger historic picture by discussing how the khatun institution affected the Middle East.
机译:长期以来,对蒙古皇后或卡图族和蒙古妇女的研究一直被忽视。尽管过去偶尔出现文章或章节,但直到最近几年,随着奖学金的不断增加,隐喻的面纱才从这些杰出的女性身上消失了。伊朗的妇女:Khatuns,1206-1335年是研究蒙古帝国妇女的少数几本专着之一,并且是第一本着重于西方帝国的蒙古人的专着。德尼古拉(De Nicola)的工作力图了解从帝国时代到伊尔汗国(Ilkhanate)灭亡之前卡敦王后的角色。重点是khatun(蒙古语为女王)或khatun(De Nicola所采用的形式,而不是波斯语中的khawatin)的称谓是适当的,因为我们对中世纪时期蒙古族妇女的了解大多来自皇室。前两章包括解散皇后,随着伊尔汗国的建立,德尼古拉将注意力集中在伊朗上,但同时也通过讨论卡吞机构如何影响中东来思考更大的历史前景。



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