首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Reframing the Mongols in 1260: The Armenians, the Mongols and the Magi

Reframing the Mongols in 1260: The Armenians, the Mongols and the Magi


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The irruption of the Mongols led to profound changes in the political, cultural and confessional climate of the thirteenth-century Near East. While many did not survive the initial onslaught and the years of turmoil that followed, and rulers that opposed the Mongols were largely swept away, the communities and dynasties that remained were forced to seek some sort of accommodation with the new overlords. While subjection to the Mongol yoke was far from desirable, rulers could seek to make the best of the situation, in the hope that the ambitions of the Mongols might come to match their own, or that the Mongols might be persuaded to support their cause. This paper will consider how certain Christian groups in the Near East sought to reconcile themselves to the Mongol presence, and how they sought to place these alien invaders within a more familiar framework. In particular it will examine the visual evidence for this process by looking at a couple of appearances of recognisably Mongol figures within Christian artwork, dating from the time of the second major Mongol invasion of the region, led by the Ilkhan Hulegii, which by 1260 had extended Mongol power into Syria and to the borders of Egypt.
机译:蒙古人的入侵导致十三世纪近东的政治,文化和and悔气候发生了深刻变化。尽管许多人没有幸免于最初的袭击和随后的动荡多年,反对蒙古的统治者被大肆扫除,但仍然存在的社区和王朝被迫与新的霸主寻求某种住宿。尽管服从蒙古是远远不可取的,但是统治者们可以寻求最好的情况,希望蒙古人的野心能够与自己的抱负相称,或者希望蒙古人被说服支持自己的事业。本文将考虑近东的某些基督教团体如何调和自己与蒙古的存在,以及他们如何设法将这些外来入侵者置于一个更加熟悉的框架内。尤其是,它将通过观察基督教艺术品中出现的几个公认的蒙古人物来检查这一过程的视觉证据,这些人物可追溯到第二次重大的蒙古人入侵该地区的时期,该时期由伊尔坎·赫莱吉(Ilkhan Hulegii)领导,到1260年将蒙古的权力扩展到叙利亚和埃及边界。



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