首页> 外文期刊>Journal of rare earths >Magnetic Coupling in La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3/La_(0.67) Sr_(0.33) CoO_3/La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3 Trilayer Films

Magnetic Coupling in La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3/La_(0.67) Sr_(0.33) CoO_3/La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3 Trilayer Films

机译:La_(0.67)Ca_(0.33)MnO_3 / La_(0.67)Sr_(0.33)CoO_3 / La_(0.67)Ca_(0.33)MnO_3三层膜中的磁耦合

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The perovskite La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3/La_(0.67) Sr_(0.33) CoO_3/La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3 trilayers were fabricated by a facing-target sputtering technique and their magnetotransport properties were investigated. The magnetoresistance is dependent on spacer thickness and dramatically decreases when La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3 layer is thick enough because of its short-circuiting effect. Different from La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3 single layer, trilayer films with thin La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3 spacer have the enhanced metal-semiconductor transition temperature (T_(MS)) of La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3 layers. The magnetic co-ercivity H_c shows a nonmonotonic behavior with changing the spacer layer thickness at 230 K. The waist-like hysteresis indicates that there is an indirect exchange coupling between the top and bottom La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3 layers across the spacer La_(0.67) Ca_(0.33) MnO_3 layer.
机译:通过面对靶溅射技术制备了钙钛矿型La_(0.67)Ca_(0.33)MnO_3 / La_(0.67)Sr_(0.33)CoO_3 / La_(0.67)Ca_(0.33)MnO_3三层,并研究了它们的磁输运性能。 La_(0.67)Ca_(0.33)MnO_3层由于其短路效应而足够厚时,磁阻取决于间隔物的厚度,并且急剧减小。与La_(0.67)Ca_(0.33)MnO_3单层不同,具有薄La_(0.67)Ca_(0.33)MnO_3隔离层的三层膜具有提高的La_(0.67)Ca_(0.33)的金属-半导体转变温度(T_(MS))。 )MnO_3层。磁矫顽力H_c在230 K处随间隔层厚度的变化而表现出非单调性。腰状磁滞表明顶部和底部La_(0.67)Ca_(0.33)MnO_3层之间存在间接交换耦合。间隔层La_(0.67)Ca_(0.33)MnO_3层。



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