首页> 外文期刊>Journal of power sources >Reliability optimization of smart grid based on optimal allocation of protective devices, distributed energy resources, and electric vehicle/plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging stations

Reliability optimization of smart grid based on optimal allocation of protective devices, distributed energy resources, and electric vehicle/plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging stations


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There is a knowledge gap to introduce a comprehensive simultaneous optimal allocation of protective devices, distributed generation units, and electric vehicle/plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging stations. This paper tries to fill such a knowledge gap by proposing a method that simultaneously considers all discussed optimization variables. In the proposed hierarchical optimization method, three stages and seven scenarios are introduced. Because of the complexity increment of optimization problem as well as the number of the optimization variables, it is useful to have the criteria for the results cross-checking. In the proposed hierarchical optimization method, the third stage optimization results which consist of all three types of optimization variables are examined with those of first and second stages.To illustrate the advantages of the proposed method, it applies to the IEEE 33-bus and IEEE 69-bus test systems in the widespread presence of non-renewable and renewable distributed generation units, e.g. wind turbine and photovoltaic power plants, and electric vehicles. The hierarchical optimization method comparison results of different stages determine the importance of any variable type on the system reliability. By getting insight into how any variable affects the system reliability, it is possible to investigate the most effective corrective and improving solutions.
机译:引入保护装置,分布式发电装置和电动汽车/插电式混合动力电动汽车充电站的同时优化配置存在知识鸿沟。本文试图通过提出一种同时考虑所有讨论的优化变量的方法来填补这种知识空白。在提出的分层优化方法中,介绍了三个阶段和七个场景。由于优化问题的复杂性增加以及优化变量的数量,因此对结果进行交叉检查的标准很有用。在所提出的分层优化方法中,与第一和第二阶段的结果一起检查了由所有三种类型的优化变量组成的第三阶段优化结果。为说明该方法的优点,该方法适用于IEEE 33-bus和IEEE不可再生和可再生分布式发电机广泛存在的69总线测试系统风力涡轮机和光伏电站以及电动汽车。不同阶段的分层优化方法比较结果确定了任何变量类型对系统可靠性的重要性。通过深入了解任何变量如何影响系统可靠性,可以研究最有效的纠正和改进解决方案。



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