首页> 外文期刊>Journal of policy modeling >A regime switching approach to the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle: Evidence from some European countries

A regime switching approach to the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle: Evidence from some European countries


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The domestic savings-investment correlation is re-examined using data for some European countries in order to obtain some information about the degree of capital mobility in the sense of the Feldstein and Horioka [Feldstein, M., & Horioka, C. Y. (1980). Domestic saving and international capital flows. Economic Journal 90, 314-329]. Applying a Markov-switching model with heteroscedastic disturbances, we find that the correlation coefficients are unstable due to the policy regime changes consistent with the Lucas [Lucas, R. (1976). Econometric policy evaluation: A critique. In K. Brunner, & A. H. Meltzer (Eds.), The Phillips curve and labor markets. Amsterdam: North-Holland] critique.
机译:为了获得关于费尔德斯坦和霍里奥卡意义上的资本流动程度的某些信息,使用一些欧洲国家的数据重新检查了国内储蓄与投资的相关性[费尔德斯坦,M。和霍里奥卡,C.Y。(1980)。国内储蓄和国际资本流动。经济杂志90,314-329]。应用带有异方差扰动的马尔可夫切换模型,我们发现相关系数由于与卢卡斯一致的政策制度变化而不稳定[Lucas,R.(1976)。计量经济政策评估:一种批评。在K. Brunner和A. H. Meltzer(编辑)中,菲利普斯曲线和劳动力市场。阿姆斯特丹:北荷兰]批评。



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