首页> 外文期刊>Journal of policy modeling >Changes In Aggregate Supply Conditions In Italy: a Small Econometric Model And Its policy Implications

Changes In Aggregate Supply Conditions In Italy: a Small Econometric Model And Its policy Implications


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This paper examines aggregate supply conditions in Italy and how they changed from the 1970s to the late 1990s. Based on a VAR model for wages, prices, productivity, unemployment and exchange rate the cointegration properties of the data in nominal and real terms are analysed. Analysis is based on a model directly derived from the work of [Modigliani, F., & Padoa Schioppa, T. (1977). La politica economica in un'economia con salari indicizzati al 100 o piu. Moneta e Credito, 117,3-53]. Our results - giving empirical evidence for the existence of a link between labour market reform, employment and wage flexibilization -provide a major incentive for labour market reforms in Italy. The pressure for reintroducing mechanisms for partial wage purchasing power defence are resolutely discouraged. Normative aspects of 'concerta-tion' should be positively reappraised as compared to wage aspects. Other notable policy implications are highlighted in the paper.
机译:本文研究了意大利的总体供应状况,以及它们在1970年代至1990年代后期的变化。基于工资,价格,生产率,失业率和汇率的VAR模型,对名义和实际数据的协整特性进行了分析。分析是基于直接从[Modigliani,F.和Padoa Schioppa,T.(1977)的工作中得出的模型。经济不平等国家的政治经济100 o piu。 Moneta e Credito,117,3-53]。我们的结果-提供了劳动力市场改革,就业和工资弹性之间存在联系的经验证据-为意大利的劳动力市场改革提供了主要动力。坚决抵制引入部分工资购买力防御机制的压力。与工资方面相比,应该重新评估“合规性”的规范方面。本文还强调了其他值得注意的政策含义。



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