首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Philosophical Logic >The SameP-Relation as a Response to Critics of Baker's Theory of Constitution

The SameP-Relation as a Response to Critics of Baker's Theory of Constitution


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According to the so-called “standard account” regarding the problem of material constitution, a statue and a lump of clay that makes it up are not identical. The usual objection is that this view yields many objects in the same place at the same time. Lynne Rudder Baker's theory of constitution is a recent and sophisticated version of the standard account. She argues that the aforementioned objection can be answered by defining a relation of being the same P as (sameP). In this paper I shall examine consequences of her response and show that sameP has wrong formal properties, as a result of which this solution cannot be accepted.
机译:根据关于材料构成问题的所谓“标准说明”,雕像和组成雕像的粘土块并不相同。通常的反对意见是,该视图在同一时间在同一位置产生许多对象。 Lynne Rudder Baker的宪法理论是标准帐户的最新版本。她认为上述异议可以通过定义与(sameP)相同的P的关系来回答。在本文中,我将检查她的回应的结果,并表明sameP具有错误的形式属性,因此该解决方案无法接受。



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