首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Organic Chemistry >Glycal Glycosylation and 2-Nitroglycal Concatenation, a Powerful Combination for Mucin Core Structure Synthesis

Glycal Glycosylation and 2-Nitroglycal Concatenation, a Powerful Combination for Mucin Core Structure Synthesis


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A 3,4-Ounprotected galactal derivative having bulky 6-O-TIPS protection (compound 2) could be regioselectively 3-0-glycosylated with O(galactopyranosyl) trichloroacetimidates; depending on the protecting group pattern stereoselectively α- and β-linked disaccharides were obtained. With 0-(2-azido-2-deoxyglucopyransyl) trichloroacetimidate as donor (compound 10A), glycosylation of 2 and of a 6-0-unprotected galactal derivative led in acetonitrile as solvent exclusively to a β(1-3)- and a β(1-6)-linked disaccharide, respectively. Nitration of the galactal moieties of the saccharides followed by Michael-type addition of serine and threonine derivatives (7a,b) installed the α-galacto-configuration, thus readily furnishing O-glycosyl amino acid building blocks for the incorporation of core 1, core 2, core 3, core 6, and core 8 structures into glycopeptides. 2-Nitrogalactal and 2-nitroglucal derivatives could be also successfully employed in glycoside bond formation via Michael-type addition in a reiterative manner, affording the corresponding core 5, core 7, and core 6 building blocks. In this approach, highly stereoselective glycoside bond formations were based exclusively on Michael-type addition to the nitro-enol ether moiety of the 2-nitroglycals. Hence, 2-nitroglycals are versatile intermediates for base-catalyzed glycoside bond formation.
机译:具有大的6-O-TIPS保护作用的3,4-Oun保护的半乳糖衍生物(化合物2)可以被O(galactopyranosyl)三氯乙酰亚氨酸盐区域选择性地3-0-糖基化;根据保护基的模式,立体选择得到α-和β-连接的二糖。以0-(2-叠氮基-2-脱氧葡萄糖吡喃基)三氯乙酰亚胺酸酯为供体(化合物10A),将2和6-0-未保护的半乳衍生物的糖基化在乙腈中作为溶剂仅导致β(1-3)-和a β(1-6)-连接的二糖。硝化糖的半乳糖部分,然后添加丝氨酸和苏氨酸衍生物的迈克尔型(7a,b),安装了α-半乳糖构型,因此很容易为整合核心1,核心1提供O-糖基氨基酸结构单元2,核心3,核心6和核心8结构成糖肽。 2-硝基半乳糖和2-硝基葡萄糖衍生物也可以成功地通过迈克尔型加成以重复方式成功地用于糖苷键的形成,从而提供了相应的核心5,核心7和核心6构件。在这种方法中,高度立体选择性的糖苷键的形成完全基于迈克尔型向2-硝基糖基的硝基烯醇醚部分的加成。因此,2-硝基糖是用于碱催化的糖苷键形成的通用中间体。



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