首页> 外文期刊>Journal of nonparametric statistics >Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho for n-dimensional Archimedean copulas and their asymptotic properties

Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho for n-dimensional Archimedean copulas and their asymptotic properties


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We derive formulas for the dependence measures tau(n) and rho((1))(n), rho((2))(n) for Archimedean n-copulas. These measures are n-dimensional analogues of the popular nonparametric dependence measures: Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho. For tau(n) we obtain two formulas, both involving integrals of univariate functions. The formulas for rho((1))(n), rho((2))(n) involve integrals of n-variate functions. We also obtain formulas for the three measures for copulas whose additive generators have completely monotone inverses. These formulas feature integrals of 2-variate functions (we use the Laplace transform). We study the asymptotic properties of the sequence (tau(n) (C-n)) and (rho((1))(n) (C-n)), (rho((2))(n) (C-n))for a sequence (C-n) of Archimedean copulas with a common additive generator. We also investigate the limit of this sequence, which is an infinite-dimensional copula on the Hilbert cube.
机译:我们推导了阿基米德n-copulas的依赖度量tau(n)和rho((1))(n),rho((2))(n)的公式。这些度量是流行的非参数依赖度量的n维类似物:Kendall的tau和Spearman的rho。对于tau(n),我们获得两个公式,两个公式都涉及单变量函数的积分。 rho((1))(n),rho((2))(n)的公式包含n变量函数的积分。我们还为copula的三个量度获得公式,这些copula的加法生成器具有完全单调的逆。这些公式具有2变量函数的积分(我们使用拉普拉斯变换)。我们研究序列(tau(n)(Cn))和(rho((1))(n)(Cn)),(rho((2))(n)(Cn))的渐近性质(Cn)阿基米德系系动词,带有一个普通的加法生成器。我们还研究了该序列的极限,它是希尔伯特立方体上的无穷维系。



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