首页> 外文期刊>Journal of network and computer applications >A lightweight protocol for consistent policy update on software-defined networking with multiple controllers

A lightweight protocol for consistent policy update on software-defined networking with multiple controllers


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Network-policy updates have to be committed in a consistent way on distributed-controller software-defined networking. Otherwise, the network may experience unexpected transitory configuration states, which compromise the performance, the security or, even, the correct operation. In this paper, we propose a scheme that provides consistent policy updates without rule conflicts and transitory states. The main contributions are: (i) a protocol that serializes policy update commitments to provide consistency; (ii) a consensus interface proposal that facilitates controller agreements about the network configuration version; and (iii) an algorithm for checking if a new policy is an update, a refinement, or if it conflicts with already installed policies. We prove that our protocol achieves a global order for all policy updates and that our algorithm correctly composes all policies. Simulation results using real network topologies show that the proposed distributed policy update scheme achieves a per-packet consistent configuration with a low control message overhead.
机译:必须在分布式控制器软件定义的网络上以一致的方式提交网络策略更新。否则,网络可能会遇到意外的临时配置状态,从而影响性能,安全性甚至正确的操作。在本文中,我们提出了一种方案,该方案可提供一致的策略更新,而不会出现规则冲突和过渡状态。主要贡献是:(i)序列化策略更新承诺以提供一致性的协议; (ii)达成共识的接口提议,以促进有关网络配置版本的控制器协议; (iii)一种算法,用于检查新策略是否为更新,完善或与已安装的策略冲突。我们证明我们的协议为所有策略更新实现了全局顺序,并且我们的算法正确构成了所有策略。使用实际网络拓扑的仿真结果表明,提出的分布式策略更新方案以较低的控制消息开销实现了每个数据包的一致配置。



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