首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Microwave Power & Electromangnetic Energy >Determination of electric field intensity during microwave heating of selected vegetables and fruits

Determination of electric field intensity during microwave heating of selected vegetables and fruits


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In microwave heating process, electric field intensity is the main parameter that controls the temperature rise in the material. With this parameter and available material properties, temperature changes are predictable. In this study, a new setup based on a domestic microwave oven was developed and uniform microwave radiation at 2450 MHz was lunched normal to the base of pre-prepared cylindrical samples. Different vegetable and fruit samples including apple, banana, carrot and potato were exposed to microwave radiation and their surface temperature changes were measured. Surface electric field intensity was determined by means of temperature rise, time and sample's properties. Then, outside electric field intensity was obtained from the relation with surface value using a newly developed relation and compared with previous works. The calculated values were very close and reliable compared with previous methods.
机译:在微波加热过程中,电场强度是控制材料中温度升高的主要参数。使用此参数和可用的材料属性,温度变化是可以预测的。在这项研究中,开发了一种基于家用微波炉的新装置,并在垂直于预先准备好的圆柱样品的基础上午餐了2450 MHz的均匀微波辐射。将不同的蔬菜和水果样品(包括苹果,香蕉,胡萝卜和土豆)暴露于微波辐射下,并测量其表面温度变化。表面电场强度通过温度上升,时间和样品的性质来确定。然后,使用新开发的关系从与表面值的关系中获得外部电场强度,并将其与以前的工作进行比较。与以前的方法相比,计算值非常接近且可靠。



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