首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan >A generalized truncation method for multivalued parabolic problems

A generalized truncation method for multivalued parabolic problems


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The generalized truncation method (formerly referred to as the proximal correction method) was recently introduced for the time-discretization of parabolic variational inequalities. The main attraction of the method—which generalizes the truncation method developed by A., Berger for obstacle problems—is the fact that the problems to be solved at each time step are elliptic equations rather than elliptic variational inequalities. In this paper we apply the new method to a class of problems which includes parabolic variational inequalities as a special case. The convergence results which we obtain in this general context also give rise to new results when applied to the special case of variational inequalities. We also discuss the applications of our results to several problems that occur in various branches of applied Mathematics.
机译:最近,为了消除抛物线变化不等式的时间离散,引入了通用截断法(以前称为近端校正法)。该方法的主要吸引力(概括了A. Berger针对障碍问题开发的截断方法)是这样一个事实,即在每个时间步上要解决的问题都是椭圆方程,而不是椭圆变分不等式。在本文中,我们将新方法应用于一类包括抛物线变分不等式作为特例的问题。在变分不等式的特殊情况下,我们在一般情况下获得的收敛结果也产生了新的结果。我们还讨论了我们的结果在应用数学各个分支中出现的几个问题上的应用。



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