
Protein folding invariants


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This article discusses the topological invariants associated with an augmented ribbon model of single domain protein. The model is a triple (S, G, J) in S3 where S is a 2-manifold with boundary, G is a circle-with-chords, and J is an arc. The surfaces satisfy an embedding condition called laundry. The invariants are necessary and sufficient conditions for two triples to be equivalent by ambient isotopy. The model describes the native state, the unfolded state, and a unique folding pathway as a single mathematical entity. This may help illuminate some of the remarkable properties of protein. Twist transitions are introduced that allow the surface to pass through itself. A new arithmetic involving the complex numbers is used to represent variable linking numbers. Keywords Surface - Linking - Protein
机译:本文讨论了与单域蛋白的增强带状模型相关的拓扑不变量。该模型是S 3 中的一个三元组(S,G,J),其中S是一个带边界的2流形,G是一个带弦的圆,J是一个圆弧。这些表面满足被称为衣物的嵌入条件。不变量是必要的,并且足以使两个三元组与环境同位素等效。该模型将本机状态,展开状态和唯一的折叠路径描述为单个数学实体。这可能有助于阐明蛋白质的一些非凡特性。引入了扭曲过渡,使表面可以通过其自身。涉及复数的新算法用于表示变量链接数。关键词表面连接蛋白



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