首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mathematical Chemistry >On reciprocal reverse Wiener index

On reciprocal reverse Wiener index


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We report some properties, especially bounds for the reciprocal reverse Wiener index of a connected (molecular) graph. We find that the reciprocal reverse Wiener index possesses the minimum values for the complete graph in the class of n-vertex connected graphs and for the star in the class of n-vertex trees, and the maximum values for the complete graph with one edge deleted in the class of n-vertex connected graphs and for the tree obtained by attaching a pendant vertex to a pendant vertex of the star on n − 1 vertices in the class of n-vertex trees. These results are compared with those obtained for the ordinary Wiener index. Keywords Wiener index - Reciprocal reverse Wiener index - Distance - Diameter - Molecular graph
机译:我们报告了一些性质,尤其是连接的(分子)图的反向维纳指数的界。我们发现,倒数维纳指数在n个顶点连通的图类中具有完整图的最小值,在n个顶点树的类中具有星形,而在删除了一个边的情况下具有完整图的最大值在n顶点连通图类中,以及通过在n顶点树类中的n − 1个顶点上将悬垂顶点附加到恒星的悬垂顶点而获得的树。将这些结果与从普通维纳指数获得的结果进行比较。 Wiener指数-倒数倒数Wiener指数-距离-直径-分子图



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