首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce >Overruling Sky Reefer in the International Arena: A Preliminary Assessment of Forum Selection and Arbitration Clauses in the New UNCITRAL Transport Law Convention

Overruling Sky Reefer in the International Arena: A Preliminary Assessment of Forum Selection and Arbitration Clauses in the New UNCITRAL Transport Law Convention


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Forum selection clauses in contracts for the carriage of goods by sea endured an uneven history in U.S. law during the twentieth century. As the century opened, it was well-established as a matter of general law that "agreements in advance to oust the courts of the jurisdiction conferred by law are illegal and void." Thus forum selection clauses in carriage contracts were disfavored along with all other forum selection clauses. By mid-century, however, a more receptive attitude had begun to develop. And in 1972, the Supreme Court, in The Bremen v. Zapata Off-Shore Co., finally reversed the long tradition and declared the general rule that forum selection clauses are presumptively valid. Despite the shift in general law, a forum selection clause in a bill of lading governed by the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA) remained a special case. For almost the last third of the twentieth century, the U.S. courts—following Judge Friendly's lead when writing for the en banc Second Circuit in Indussa Corp. v. S.S. Ranborg—held that subsection 3(8) of COGSA invalidated all foreign forum selection clauses because they necessarily had the effect of impermissibly "lessening" a carrier's liability in a manner not permitted by the statute. Some lower courts applied the same reasoning to hold that foreign arbitration clauses were also "null and void and of no effect" under this provision.
机译:海上运输合同中的论坛选择条款在20世纪的美国法律中经历了不平衡的历史。在本世纪开始之际,作为一项一般法律问题,众所周知,“事先驱逐法律赋予的管辖权的协议是非法的和无效的”。因此,运输合同中的论坛选择条款与所有其他论坛选择条款均不被接受。然而,到本世纪中叶,一种更容易接受的态度开始发展。 1972年,最高法院在不来梅诉Zapata Off-Shore公司一案中,终于推翻了悠久的传统,并宣布了一般性规则,即法院选择条款是推定有效的。尽管普通法发生了变化,但受海上货物运输法(COGSA)管辖的提单中的论坛选择条款仍然是特例。在整个20世纪的后半叶,美国法院在友好法官为Indussa Corp.诉SS Ranborg案中的第二巡回法院撰稿时担任首席法官,裁定COGSA的第3(8)小节使所有外国论坛选择条款无效因为它们必然会以法令所不允许的方式不容许地“减轻”承运人的责任。一些下级法院运用相同的理由认为,外国仲裁条款在该条款下也是“无效的,无效的”。



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