首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Marine Research >Effect of a freshwater pulse on mesoscale circulation and phytoplankton distribution in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary

Effect of a freshwater pulse on mesoscale circulation and phytoplankton distribution in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary


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As part of a multidisciplinary program to study the physical-biological interactions regulating carbon flows in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary (LSLE), three cruises were conducted in June-July 1990 during a neap-spring tidal cycle when biological production was expected to be maximal. Nutrient (nitrates and silicates), phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll), oxygen, temperature, salinity, and current fields were used to elucidate the effect of a freshwater pulse produced by the discharge of the St. Lawrence and Saguenay rivers on the current fields and the biological variability and productivity of the LSLE.
机译:作为研究跨学科低碳劳伦斯河口(LSLE)碳流的物理-生物相互作用的多学科计划的一部分,1990年6月至7月进行了3次巡游,该轮渡处于春季小潮的潮汐周期,当时预计将产生生物最大。使用营养物(硝酸盐和硅酸盐),浮游植物生物量(叶绿素),氧气,温度,盐度和电流场来阐明圣劳伦斯河和萨格奈河的排放对当前场和河床产生的淡水脉冲的影响。 LSLE的生物学变异性和生产力。



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