首页> 外文期刊>Journal of map & geography libraries >MapHappy: A User-Centered Interface to Library Map Collections via a Google Maps 'Mashup'

MapHappy: A User-Centered Interface to Library Map Collections via a Google Maps 'Mashup'

机译:MapHappy:通过Google Maps“ Mashup”以用户为中心的图书馆地图收藏界面

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Providing users with the best possible access to the unique cartographic materials found in libraries has been a constant challenge for map librarians. In a Web 2.0 world, existing mapping APIs make it possible to extend the library OP AC past the text-based search and enable users to locate maps using a familiar interface, such as Google Maps. This article describes how librarians at the University of Minnesota developed MapHappy, a "mashup" of their existing map MARC records into a geospatial Web application providing unique access to the print maps in their collections. As expected, this project raised many questions and produced a new set of challenges and opportunities; two such problems, the issue of missing or faulty map coordinates and aligning the interface design with user expectations, are discussed. And while still in beta, a variety of future plans are considered for further development and improvement of MapHappy. This project demonstrates that the representation of library records in a geospatial format provides a more intuitive and streamlined method of identifying maps and makes accessible a wide range of data previously meaningless or invisible to users.
机译:为用户提供最大可能的访问图书馆中独特制图材料的机会,一直是地图馆员面临的挑战。在Web 2.0的世界中,现有的映射API使得可以将库OP AC扩展到基于文本的搜索范围之外,并使用户能够使用熟悉的界面(例如Google Maps)来定位地图。本文介绍了明尼苏达大学的图书馆员如何将MapHappy(他们现有的地图MARC记录的“混搭”)开发到地理空间Web应用程序中,以提供对馆藏中打印地图的独特访问。正如预期的那样,该项目提出了许多问题,并产生了一系列新的挑战和机遇。讨论了两个这样的问题,即地图坐标丢失或错误以及使界面设计与用户期望保持一致的问题。尽管仍处于测试阶段,但仍在考虑各种未来计划,以进一步开发和改进MapHappy。该项目表明,以地理空间格式表示的图书馆记录提供了一种更直观,更简化的识别地图的方法,并使以前用户无意或看不见的大量数据可以访问。



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