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Turning Genealogists onto GIS


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As the popularity of genealogy continues to grow, an increasing number of genealogists are venturing into map and geography libraries to research their family histories. An assortment of geographical materials is essential for this type of research including gazetteers, atlases, historical maps and aerial photos. Given this genuine regard for geography, genealogists can and should be introduced to GIS. Numerous types of data that genealogists collect can be visually represented in mapping projects using ESRI's Ar-cView 91 software. Libraries that offer GIS services are perfectly suited to foster that initiation. GIS Librarians will be able to show examples and demonstrate for genealogists the endless possibilities in building a personalized family history atlas.
机译:随着家谱学的流行持续增长,越来越多的家谱学家正在冒险进入地图和地理图书馆以研究其家族史。对于此类研究,必不可少的地理材料,包括地名词典,地图集,历史地图和航拍照片。鉴于对地理的这种真正关注,家谱学家可以而且应该被引入GIS。使用ESRI的Ar-cView 91软件,可以在制图项目中直观地显示家谱学家收集的多种类型的数据。提供GIS服务的图书馆非常适合促进这种启动。 GIS图书馆员将能够展示示例,并为家谱学家展示建立个性化家族史地图集的无限可能。



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