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Some Semi-deep Thoughts About Deep Reading: Rejoinder to 'Digital Technology and Student Cognitive Development: The Neuroscience of the University Classroom'


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In one of my classes at the School of Informatics and Computing, IUPUI, students write final papers about an emerging information technology they can envision amplified in the future. Pick a technology; now imagine it times a million: Is it heaven, or hell? Some extreme characterization is important. Unless that vision elicits some deep hope or fear, the students have a hard time psyching themselves up for a respectably long paper-"long paper" meaning maybe 10 to 12 pages (half or a third what I would have written as a student 40 years ago). Most of their hopes and fears arise from tension between, on one hand, the power of technology to shape human behavior and experience and, on the other, their perception that "human nature" is immutable and cannot (or can only painfully) evolve to accommodate this technologically shaped behavior. Over the years, students have generally split 70:30 in choosing a heavenly or hellish technology. The young are usually optimistic. And these students have grown up in constant anticipation of the next new technological marvel, the thing that will change everything.


  • 来源
    《Journal of management education》 |2016年第4期|405-410|共6页
  • 作者

    Steve Mannheimer;

  • 作者单位

    Media Arts and Science, Human Centered Computing Department, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, 719 Indiana Avenue, Room 308, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA;

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