首页> 外文期刊>Journal of logic and computation >What is a model for a semanticatty linear λ-calculus?

What is a model for a semanticatty linear λ-calculus?


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This article is about a categorical approach modelling a simple term calculus, named Sℓλ-calculus. This is the core calculus underlying the programming language SℓPCF conceived in order to program only linear functions between coherence spaces. We introduce the notion of Sℓλ-category, which is able to describe a large class of sound models of Sℓλ-calculus. An Sℓλ-category extends in a natural way Benton, Bierman, Hyland and de Paiva's Linear Category by requirements useful to interpret all the programming constructs of the Sℓλ-calculus. In particular, a key role is played by a !-coalgebra p:N→!N used to interpret the numeral constants of the Sℓλ-calculus. We will define two interpretations of Sℓλ-calculus types and terms into objects and morphisms of Sℓλ-categories: the first one is a generalization of the translation given in [23] but lacks completeness; the second one uses the !-coalgebra p:N→!N and the comonadic properties of ! to recover completeness. Finally, we show that this notion is general enough to capture interesting models in the category of sets and relations, in Scott Domains and in coherence spaces.
机译:本文涉及一种建模简单术语微积分(称为Sℓλ-微积分)的分类方法。这是为仅对相干空间之间的线性函数进行编程而构想的编程语言SℓPCF的核心演算。我们介绍了Sℓλ类的概念,它可以描述一类Sℓλ微积分的声音模型。 Sℓλ类以一种自然的方式扩展了Benton,Bierman,Hyland和de Paiva的线性类别,其要求适用于解释Sℓλ微积分的所有编程构造。尤其重要的是,!-代数p:N→!N用来解释Sℓλ-演算的数字常数。我们将Sofλ演算类型和术语的两种解释定义为Sℓλ分类的对象和词素:第一个是[23]中给出的翻译的泛化,但缺乏完整性。第二个使用!-coalgebra p:N→!N和!的同音性质恢复完整性。最后,我们证明了该概念足够笼统,可以捕获Scotts Domains和相干空间中的集和关系类别中的有趣模型。



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