首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society >Decline in Bee Diversity and Abundance from 1972-2004 on a Flowering Leguminous Tree, Andira inermis in Costa Rica at the Interface of Disturbed Dry Forest and the Urban Environment

Decline in Bee Diversity and Abundance from 1972-2004 on a Flowering Leguminous Tree, Andira inermis in Costa Rica at the Interface of Disturbed Dry Forest and the Urban Environment

机译:1972-2004年期间,受旱林和城市环境影响的哥斯达黎加开花的豆科树Andira inermis上的蜜蜂多样性和丰度下降

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Long-term monitoring of bees in specific sites provides information on changes in species diversity and abundance, especially in areas close to human habitation. Evaluations of this monitoring data combined with relevant measures of anthropogenic activity can aide in interpreting emerging patterns of bee pollinators. In 1972, we sampled bees visiting flowers of a population of the leguminous tree, Andira inermis (W. Wright) DC in a dry forest site adjacent to the town of Liberia, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Slightly more than 800 bees were recorded on the average per tree site, with an overall bee diversity among the trees of approximately 70 species. Standardized bee samples were taken again from the same population of A. inermis in 1996, 1999, and 2004. In each of these years average abundance level per tree was greatly reduced, as was overall species diversity. Andira inermis trees were also observed to have variable attraction for large anthophorid bees versus honey bees. Some trees attracted significantly more anthophorids than honey bees, whereas other trees attracted the opposite. Since 1972 there were many changes in land use that were directly related to a rapidly growing human population in Liberia. These changes, which greatly modified the natural landscape and vegetation, are believed to have caused a major decline in species diversity and abundance of bees to a low but consistent level. Concurrently, increased urban growth has resulted in many more residential neighborhoods that have a wide variety of ornamental flowering plant species, many of which are native to Costa Rica, that attract a wide variety of native bee species. Evidence is offered to suggest that urban residential areas represent a source of bees that continue to visit A. inermis at low levels in and immediately around Liberia.
机译:在特定地点对蜜蜂进行长期监测可提供有关物种多样性和丰度变化的信息,尤其是在靠近人类居住区的物种。对这些监测数据进行评估,并结合有关人为活动的措施,可以帮助解释蜜蜂授粉媒介的新模式。 1972年,我们在哥斯达黎加瓜纳卡斯特省利比里亚镇附近的一片干燥森林中对蜜蜂进行了取样,这些蜜蜂访问了豆科树Andira inermis(W. Wright)DC的花朵。每个树木站点的平均记录略多于800只蜜蜂,树木之间的总体蜜蜂多样性约为70种。在1996年,1999年和2004年,再次从同一种群的无定种蜜蜂中再次采集了标准化的蜜蜂样品。在这些年份中,每棵树的平均丰度水平都大大降低了,总体物种多样性也大大降低了。还观察到无脊椎动物安德拉无花果树对大型花蜜蜜蜂和蜜蜂具有不同的吸引力。有些树吸引的比邻人的蜜蜂明显多于蜜蜂,而另一些树的吸引则相反。自1972年以来,土地使用发生了许多变化,这些变化与利比里亚人口的迅速增长直接相关。这些变化极大地改变了自然景观和植被,据信已导致物种多样性和蜜蜂丰度大幅下降至一个低水平,但始终如一。同时,城市增长的增加导致更多的居民区拥有各种各样的观赏开花植物物种,其中许多是哥斯达黎加的本地植物,吸引了各种各样的本地蜜蜂物种。提供的证据表明,城市居住区代表着蜜蜂的来源,这些蜜蜂继续在利比里亚及其附近以较低的水平访问无定形芽孢杆菌。



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