首页> 外文期刊>日本家政学会誌 >住宅における空気環境と居住者の換気行動についての実態調査第2報:北陸地域と関西地域の住宅を対象とした居間の臭気環境および居住者の臭気環境改善行動の実態



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In a highly airtight house, it is well known that air pollutants remain if periodic ventilation is not performed. The use of deodorizers and air cleaners is increasing now, as residents are showing a greater interest in eliminating offensive household odors. We conducted a questionnaire survey about the detection of household odors and conducted ventilation experiments with residents in the Hokuriku and Kansai areas. More than 80% of the respondents detected odors in the living room, with 30% indicating that they were unpleasant. The most common odors detected in the living room, as indicated by 50% of the respondents, were cooking odors. The smell of mold, garbage, and cigarette smoke were rated as less intense than cooking smells, but were still regarded as being strong and unpleasant by residents. The degree of intensity of odors detected in the living room depends on the distance between the living room and the source of the odors. Opening windows was the most effective way of eliminating odors, followed by turning on the ventilation fan. Cleaning the range hood frequently was also found to be an effective way of preventing the diffusion and penetration of odors.%省エネルギー基準(以下,省エネ基準)の制定後,住宅の断熱・気密性能が向上したが,計画換気が伴わず空気汚染物質が室内にこもりやすい状況となった.1990年代以降,シックハウス問題を契機に居住者の空気環境や臭気注1)環境に対する意識が高まり,改正建築基準法では機械換気の導入が義務付けられ,計画換気の必要性が見直されている.
机译:在高度密封的房屋中,众所周知,如果不进行定期通风,则会残留空气污染物。现在,除臭剂和空气净化器的使用正在增加,因为居民对消除令人讨厌的家庭气味表现出了更大的兴趣。我们针对北韩和关西地区的居民进行了关于家庭气味检测的问卷调查,并进行了通风实验。超过80%的受访者在客厅中发现了异味,其中30%的人表示它们不愉快。 50%的受访者表示,在客厅中检测到的最常见气味是烹饪气味。霉菌,垃圾和香烟烟雾的气味被评定为不如烹饪气味浓烈,但仍被居民认为强烈而令人不愉快。在客厅中检测到的气味的强度程度取决于客厅与气味源之间的距离。打开窗户是消除异味的最有效方法,然后打开通风风扇。还发现经常清洁抽油烟机也是防止异味扩散和渗透的有效方法。%省エネルギー基准1990年以降级,シックハウス问题を契机に居住者の空気环境や臭気注1)环境に対する意识が高まり,改正建筑基准法では机械换気の导入が义务付けられ,计画换気の必要性が见直されている。



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