首页> 外文期刊>Journal of interpretation research >Interpretive effectiveness at Kanha Tiger Reserve, India

Interpretive effectiveness at Kanha Tiger Reserve, India

机译:印度Kanha Tiger保护区的解释效力

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The first study of interpretation in India examined the effectiveness of interpretive facilities and exhibits to convey interpretive conservation messages. Kanha Tiger Reserve features a large budget, advanced technology, and international visitation. The single-case, multiple-methods approach examined visitor knowledge and behavior regarding exhibits. Pre- and post-program surveys, video observation of visitor flow through the interpretive center, and the readability of text were analyzed. Results from the survey indicate that visitor knowledge increased in spite of noise in the center. Video observation data suggests that visitor interest measured by attention index and holding power were greatest for the management related exhibits and decreased as participants moved further into the interpretive center. Images of tigers were found to be more important for attraction and holding power than the center's advanced floor light panels and other interpretive techniques. Dioramas, maps, and models were favored over text by visitors for readability.
机译:印度对口译的第一项研究考察了口译设施和展览品的有效性,以传达口译保护信息。坎哈老虎保护区(Kanha Tiger Reserve)具有庞大的预算,先进的技术和国际访问能力。单例,多方法的方法检查了访客关于展览品的知识和行为。进行了节目前和节目后调查,通过解释中心的访客流的视频观察以及文本的可读性。调查结果表明,尽管中心有噪音,但游客的知识却有所增加。视频观察数据表明,通过注意力指数和握持力衡量的访客兴趣对于与管理相关的展览品最大,并且随着参与者进一步进入解释中心而降低。发现老虎的图像对于吸引和保持力量比该中心先进的落地灯面板和其他解释技术更重要。由于可读性,访客更喜欢西洋镜,地图和模型,而不是文本。



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