首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Intellectual Disability Research >Long-term effects of zonisamide in the treatment of epilepsy in children with intellectual disability

Long-term effects of zonisamide in the treatment of epilepsy in children with intellectual disability


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Zonisamide is a new drug with broad-spectrum antiepileptic activity against partial as well as generalized seizures. The purpose of the present study was to compare the long-term efficacy of zonisamide in the treatment of epilepsy in children with intellectual disability (ID) with those with normal intelligence (NI). One hundred and thirty children (74 ID, 56 Nl) were included in the study. Fifteen of the subjects were eliminated from the study because of adverse effects or aggravation of seizures. The remaining 115 children (66 ID, 49 NI) were followed up for more than one year. Twenty-eight children (6 ID, 22 NI) were in zonisamide monotherapy. The mean numbers of different antiepileptic drugs were 4.5 and 3 for the ID and NI groups, respectively. The overall improvement rates, defined as a > 50% reduction in the number of seizures, were 41% (ID) and 67% (NI) (P < 0.01). Side-effects were observed in 27% and 30% of subjects in the ID and NI groups, respectively. However, in the monotherapy group, side-effects were observed in 50% (ID) and in 27% (NI). In conclusion, the effectiveness of zonisamide was weaker in children with ID than those with NI. This is in agreement with the known phenomenon that epileptic children with ID are likely have more intractable seizures than those with NI.
机译:唑尼沙胺(Zonisamide)是一种具有广谱抗癫痫活性的新药,可抗部分和全身性癫痫发作。本研究的目的是比较唑尼沙胺在智障儿童和正常智力儿童癫痫治疗中的长期疗效。这项研究包括了一百三十个孩子(74 ID,56 N1)。由于不良反应或癫痫发作加重,有15名受试者被排除在研究之外。其余115名儿童(66名ID,49名NI)被随访了一年以上。 28名儿童(6 ID,22 NI)接受唑尼沙胺单药治疗。 ID组和NI组的不同抗癫痫药的平均数分别为4.5和3。总体改善率定义为癫痫发作次数减少> 50%,分别为41%(ID)和67%(NI)(P <0.01)。 ID组和NI组分别有27%和30%的受试者出现了副作用。但是,在单药治疗组中,有50%(ID)和27%(NI)出现副作用。总之,唑尼沙胺对ID患儿的疗效较NI弱。这与已知的现象相一致,即ID癫痫患儿的癫痫发作可能比NI患儿更难治。



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