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The F~3-index. Valuing reviewers for scholarly journals


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This paper presents an index that measures reviewer contribution to editorial processes of scholarly journals. Following a metaphor of ranking algorithms in sports tournaments, we created an index that considers reviewers on different context-specific dimensions, i.e., report delivery time, the length of the report and the alignment of recommendations to editorial decisions. To test the index, we used a dataset of peer review in a multi-disciplinary journal, including 544 reviewers on 606 submissions in six years. Although limited by sample size, the test showed that the index identifies outstanding contributors and weak performing reviewers efficiently. Our index is flexible, contemplates extensions and could be incorporated into available scholarly journal management tools. It can assist editors in rewarding high performing reviewers and managing editorial turnover. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
机译:本文提出了一个衡量审稿人对学术期刊编辑过程贡献的指数。在体育比赛中排名算法的比喻之后,我们创建了一个索引,该索引考虑了不同上下文特定维度的审阅者,即报告交付时间,报告的长度以及建议与编辑决策的一致性。为了测试索引,我们使用了一个多学科期刊中的同行评审数据集,其中包括544名审评人,他们在6年内提交了606份论文。尽管受样本量的限制,但该测试表明该指数可以有效地识别杰出的贡献者和表现不佳的评论者。我们的索引很灵活,可以扩展,可以合并到可用的学术期刊管理工具中。它可以帮助编辑人员奖励表现出色的审稿人,并管理编辑人员的流失。 (C)2018作者。由Elsevier Ltd.发布。这是CC之下的开放获取文章



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